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EURO Working Group for Pricing and Revenue Management

Arnoud V. den Boer

Arnoud V. den Boer, Prof. Dr.

Arnoud V. den Boer is Associate Professor at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics of the University of Amsterdam, and is also affiliated to the Amsterdam Business School. He studied Mathematics at Utrecht University (2006), Mathematics for Industry at Eindhoven University of Technology (2008), and wrote his PhD thesis `Dynamic Pricing and Learning' (2013) at the CWI Centrum for Wiskunde and Computer Science in Amsterdam. Arnoud's research focuses on the interface of learning and optimization, with applications in dynamic pricing and revenue management. He is the recipient of several awards and grants including the 2015 Gijs de Leve prize for best PhD Thesis in operations research defended in the Netherlands in the period 2012-2014, personal grants from the Dutch Science Foundation, and the INFORMS Revenue Management & Pricing Section Prize in 2016.