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EURO Working Group for Pricing and Revenue Management

Call for Papers – Special Issue OR Spectrum

Call for Papers – Special Issue OR Spectrum: Data-driven Demand and Supply Management for Online-to-Offline Logistic Services

Over the last decade, many new online-to-offline logistics services have emerged that have generated significant interest in the research community and the public. These services include, for example, attended home delivery, bike sharing, crowd shipping, same-day delivery, and ride hailing.

The special issue collects high-quality, peer-reviewed papers that address the research front in online-to-offline logistics, both from a theoretical and an application perspective. The focus is on the development and application of data-driven OR methods that ideally integrate approaches from the fields of predictive and prescriptive analytics, potentially including machine learning and artificial intelligence. We are particularly interested in approaches that actively consider the behavior of the actors involved.

More details:

The deadline for contributions is March 31, 2022.

Special Issue Editors

Jan Fabian Ehmke, University of Wien,

Robert Klein, University of Augsburg,

Claudius Steinhardt, Bundeswehr University Munich (UniBw M),               

Arne Strauss, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management,          

Please send any questions – including intentions to submit a paper – to one of the special issue editors.
